Project progress report

Last week, I met with my faculty advisors for this project, Dr. Consilio and Dr. Simone. I haven't done much tangible work on my project as it's only been a week, but I have a much clearer idea of the direction that this project is going to take after discussing it with my professors. I came to the realization that my proposal was a bit all-over-the-place and didn't have an evident concept to it. When I had initially written my proposal, I was heehawing between working with my chapbook from Creative Writing, or my editor's manual from Jet Fuel Review because those are the two experiences during my four years at Lewis that have had the most lasting impression on me and solidify where my interest lies in the field of English Studies. However, it would be a bit much to fuse these two completely different projects together, so I decided that I will focus on revamping the JFR manual for my senior capstone because 1) I am already working with improving my chapbook with Dancing Girl Press and 2) I want the revision of the manual to be one of my big contributions to JFR that will hopefully have a lasting impact after I graduate. Re-envisioning the JFR manual, a document that every single editor is required to fill out, will be my final project for Senior Seminar as Dr. Consilio and Dr. Simone both agree that the old template that was created by a former editor years needs some updating.

I first met with Dr. Consilio because, after taking Writing Digital Media and Intro to Professional Writing with her, she has given me all of my knowledge of design and digital-based writing. She offered up the idea of creating a more collaborative version of the manual that all of the editors can work on instead of us each having separate manuals. I really liked this idea and am going to explore programs which will accommodate a collaborative manual as Word (the current program for the manual template) does not accomplish this. Dr. Consilio suggested formatting the manual on a blog and mentioned using Canva and Wordpress to design this.

Last Thursday, at the weekly JFR meeting, we allotted some time to discuss the renovation of the manual with the whole staff as they are the ones that are going to have to potentially use this online document. Dr. Simone loved the idea of having more collaborative manuals as opposed to individual ones and even mentioned that the aesthetic appearance of the manual can definitely be revised to be more pleasing to the eye. The other editors mentioned that they wanted a template that is more conducive to their work because they feel like the current template is busy work and, in fact, makes them feel more disorganized. After having this discussion with Dr. Simone and the other editors, I concluded that I need to create a template that caters to helping the editors feel more organized instead of feeling like they are doing busy work.

Based on my meetings with Dr. Consilio, Dr. Simone, and the other editors, I need to create a JFR manual that is collaborative, visually pleasing, and actually helpful to the editors. I am not quite sure which program I will use to go about this, but I was thinking about using some sort of blog per Dr. Consilio's suggestions.
