
Showing posts from November, 2017

Project progress report

Last week, I met with my faculty advisors for this project, Dr. Consilio and Dr. Simone. I haven't done much tangible work on my project as it's only been a week, but I have a much clearer idea of the direction that this project is going to take after discussing it with my professors. I came to the realization that my proposal was a bit all-over-the-place and didn't have an evident concept to it. When I had initially written my proposal, I was heehawing between working with my chapbook from Creative Writing, or my editor's manual from Jet Fuel Review because those are the two experiences during my four years at Lewis that have had the most lasting impression on me and solidify where my interest lies in the field of English Studies. However, it would be a bit much to fuse these two completely different projects together, so I decided that I will focus on revamping the JFR manual for my senior capstone because 1) I am already working with improving my chapbook with Dancin